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104 Results for: "hbmmar24"

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Review of Gifts from Georgia’s Garden: How Georgia O’Keeffe Nourished Her Art

Gifts from Georgia’s Garden: How Georgia O’Keeffe Nourished Her Art by Lisa Robinson; illus. by Hadley Hooper Primary    Porter/Holiday    40 pp. 3/24    9780823452668    $18.99 e-book ed.  9780823457557    $11.99 Spare, poetic text and illustrations rich in color and detail provide a unique insight into a well-known artist. Beginning in well-trodden territory...

Review of The Door Is Open: Stories of Celebration and Community by 11 Desi Voices

The Door Is Open: Stories of Celebration and Community by 11 Desi Voices edited by Hena Khan Intermediate, Middle School    Little, Brown    336 pp. 4/24    9780316450638    $17.99 e-book ed.  9780316450836    $9.99 Focused on a community center in the fictional town of Maple Grove, New Jersey, this powerful collection of short...

Review of A Friend for Eddy

A Friend for Eddy by Ann Kim Ha; illus. by the author Preschool, Primary    Greenwillow    40 pp. 3/24    9780063315464    $19.99 Eddy the fish lives by himself in a little glass bowl. He wants a friend. “Someone who could swim and blow bubbles. Someone like him. Eddy peered out, wondering if...

Review of Something About the Sky

Something About the Sky by Rachel Carson; illus. by Nikki McClureIntermediate    Candlewick Studio    56 pp.3/24    9781536228700    $19.99This previously unpublished essay from “poet of science” Carson (1907–1964) is paired beautifully with McClure’s cut-paper and swirling ink-wash art. In 1956, a children’s television program asked Carson to respond to a child’s request...

Review of Max in the House of Spies

Max in the House of Spies [Operation Kinderspion]by Adam GidwitzIntermediate, Middle School    Dutton    336 pp.2/24    9780593112083    $18.99e-book ed.  9780593112090    $10.99From the moment eleven-year-old Max Bretzfeld arrives in England as a Jewish evacuee from WWII Germany (accompanied by two immortal, opinionated, and invisible-to-others creatures, a kobold and a dybbuk), his overriding...

Review of While You’re Asleep

While You’re Asleep by Emmy Kastner; illus. by the authorPreschool, Primary    Simon    48 pp.3/24    9781665931335    $18.99e-book ed.  9781665931342    $10.99“The Earth / slowly spins, / light fades away. / You’re ready for sleep / at the end of the day.” Soothing blue and gold illustrations in soft acrylic gouache, watercolor, and...

Review of The Wonderful Wisdom of Ants

The Wonderful Wisdom of Ants by Philip Bunting; illus. by the authorPrimary    Crown    32 pp.3/24    9780593567784    $17.99Library ed.  9780593567791    $20.99e-book ed.  9780593567807    $10.99This overview of ants combines cleverly designed graphics and a funny text to convey major concepts about the familiar insects. Expressive-eyed ants march across the pages, first in...

Review of Monti and Leo: A Newcomer in Pocketville

Monti and Leo: A Newcomer in Pocketville by Sylvie Kantorovitz; illus. by the authorPrimary    Walker US/Candlewick    80 pp.4/24    9781536222777    $16.99Monti the mole has a morning routine: go the bakery, stop at the library, and then rest on his favorite rock beside the river. One day, his routine is interrupted when...

Review of Ten Little Rabbits

Ten Little Rabbits by Maurice Sendak; illus. by the authorPreschool    Harper/HarperCollins    32 pp.2/24    9780062644671    $19.99The jacket copy of this very simple, essentially wordless counting story calls its young protagonist Mino, but the M emblazoned on his stage podium could just as well stand for Max or Mickey or Maurice, as...

Review of One Day This Tree Will Fall

One Day This Tree Will Fall by Leslie Barnard Booth; illus. by Stephanie Fizer ColemanPreschool, Primary    McElderry    40 pp.3/24    9781534496965    $18.99e-book ed.  9781534496972    $10.99“LOOK AT IT. Wounded, worn, twisted, torn. / One day this tree will fall / and this story will end. / Won’t it?” So begins this Pacific...

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