Betty Carter

145 Articles

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Review of Narwhal: Unicorn of the Arctic

Narwhal: Unicorn of the Arctic by Candace Fleming; illus. by Deena So’Oteh Primary    Schwartz/Random    48 pp. 10/24    9780593377789    $18.99 Library ed.  9780593377796    $21.99 e-book ed.  9780593377802    $11.99 Readers are immediately immersed in the life of a narwhal as the unseen narrator invites them into the narrative: “You are a narwhal—...

Review of Evidence!: How Dr. John Snow Solved the Mystery of Cholera

Evidence!: How Dr. John Snow Solved the Mystery of Cholera by Deborah Hopkinson; illus. by Nik Henderson Primary, Intermediate    Knopf    40 pp. 8/24    9780593426814    $19.99 Library ed.  9780593426821    $22.99 e-book ed.  9780593426838    $11.99 During the Industrial Revolution, vast numbers of workers moved to cities that housed the new factories. These...

Review of The Running Machine: The Invention of the Very First Bicycle

The Running Machine: The Invention of the Very First Bicycle by Keith Negley; illus. by the author Primary    Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins    40 pp. 7/24    9780063119826    $19.99 In 1815 a volcano erupts, blanketing the northern hemisphere with dark clouds that block the sun and create winterlike conditions for a year. Life...

Review of To See an Owl

To See an Owl by Matthew Cordell; illus. by the authorPrimary    Random House Studio/Random    40 pp.1/25    9780593649893    $18.99Library ed.  9780593649909    $21.99e-book ed.  9780593649916    $8.99This picture book’s front matter offers an immediate hook: “When will I find you?” Narrator Janie, a young birder with a particular affinity for owls, is searching...

Review of Bounce!: A Scientific History of Rubber

Bounce!: A Scientific History of Rubber by Sarah Albee; illus. by Eileen Ryan EwenPrimary    Charlesbridge    48 pp.10/24    978623543792    $18.99e-book ed.  9781632893574    $9.99Inviting readers into this spirited book, a bouncing red-rubber ball generates a path leading from the initial endpapers to the first words of text. Here readers discover properties of...

Review of Ice Journey of the Polar Bear

Ice Journey of the Polar Bear by Martin Jenkins; illus. by Lou Baker-SmithPrimary    Candlewick    32 pp.11/24     9781536235715    $18.99e-book ed.  9781536242300    $18.99Winter arrives in the Arctic. The days are shorter, the weather colder. A polar bear searches for a place to make a den, hibernate, and birth her twins. The trek...

Review of A Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial, the Original Fight over Science in Schools

A Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial, the Original Fight over Science in Schools by Debbie LevyMiddle School, High School    Bloomsbury    256 pp.1/25    9781547612215    $19.99e-book ed.  9781547612222    $13.99Levy takes readers back one hundred years to the sleepy town of Dayton, Tennessee, and the historic Scopes trial. At first glance, the time...

Review of Urban Coyotes

Urban Coyotes [Scientists in the Field]by Mary Kay Carson; photos by Tom UhlmanIntermediate, Middle School    Clarion/HarperCollins    80 pp.8/24    9780063271470    $21.99e-book ed.  9780063271494    $10.99No matter where one lives in the continental U.S.—rural areas, suburbs, major cities—coyotes share that space. In Chicago alone, thousands of coyotes live and thrive, according to the...

Review of When Beavers Flew: An Incredible True Story of Rescue and Relocation

When Beavers Flew: An Incredible True Story of Rescue and Relocation by Kristen Tracy; illus. by Luisa UribePrimary    Random House Studio/Random    40 pp.7/24    9780593647523    $18.99Library ed.  9780593647530    $21.99e-book ed.  9780593647547    $11.99The environmental contributions of beaver dams are well documented. But too many beavers can cause problems, particularly for humans attempting...

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