Martha V. Parravano

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Review of Big Gorilla: A Book of Opposites

Big Gorilla: A Book of Opposites by Anthony Browne; illus. by the authorPreschool    Candlewick    32 pp.10/24    9781536235692    $17.99In a brief picture book whose impact is greater than its size, a series of gorillas demonstrates the concept of opposites. On twelve double-page spreads, they gaze directly out at the viewer with...

Review of Brandon and the Baby

Brandon and the Baby by Brian Pinkney; illus. by the authorPreschool    Greenwillow    40 pp.6/24    9780063159846    $19.99“Brandon had a special plaid blanket. He also had a new baby brother.” His parents are entirely preoccupied with the baby, and big brother feels neglected. He kicks up a fuss at suppertime (“Mommy, I...

Review of Library Girl

Library Girl by Polly HorvathIntermediate    Ferguson/Holiday    256 pp.9/24    9780823455676    $18.99Readers willing to suspend an absolute ocean of disbelief will find an original, outlandish romp of a tale. Newborn Esmeralda is left in the stacks of the Huffington (IN) Public Library and kept secret by four librarians who all long to...

Review of Need a House? Call Ms. Mouse!

Need a House? Call Ms. Mouse! by George Mendoza; illus. by Doris Susan SmithPrimary    NYRB    48 pp. 6/23    9781681377360    $18.95Mouse Henrietta, a gifted architect, designs unique houses for all her friends, be they mammal or fish or bird or amphibian or even insect. Rabbit’s underground home has a large root...

Review of A Best Friend for Bear

A Best Friend for Bear by Petr Horáček; illus. by the authorPreschool    Candlewick    32 pp.6/24    9781536233995    $17.99Black Bear is lonely and sets out into the forest to find a friend. When he runs into Brown Bear, also in search of a pal, they join forces. They look everywhere, but “it...

Review of Ahoy!

Ahoy! by Sophie Blackall; illus. by the author Preschool, Primary    Schwartz/Random    48 pp. 4/24    9780593429396    $19.99 Library ed.  9780593429402    $22.99 e-book ed.  9780593429419    $10.99 Picture books about imaginary play can be belabored or overly precious. Not so Blackall’s brilliantly constructed latest. The opening setting is a living room (just a...

Review of Max in the House of Spies

Max in the House of Spies [Operation Kinderspion]by Adam GidwitzIntermediate, Middle School    Dutton    336 pp.2/24    9780593112083    $18.99e-book ed.  9780593112090    $10.99From the moment eleven-year-old Max Bretzfeld arrives in England as a Jewish evacuee from WWII Germany (accompanied by two immortal, opinionated, and invisible-to-others creatures, a kobold and a dybbuk), his overriding...

Review of My Book and Me

My Book and Me by Linda Sue Park; illus. by Chris RaschkaPreschool, Primary    Red Comet    32 pp.6/24    9781636550947    $18.99Park and Raschka capture with deep understanding and admirable simplicity children’s attachment to their favorite books. Each of Park’s unpretentious nonrhyming quatrains is accompanied by a portrait of a different child, in...

Review of Sunny Makes Her Case

Sunny Makes Her Case by Jennifer L. Holm; illus. by Matthew Holm; color by George WilliamsIntermediate, Middle School    Graphix/Scholastic    224 pp.2/24    9781338792454    $24.99Paper ed.  9781338792447    $12.99Sunny’s back in her fifth 1970s-set graphic novel (Sunny Side Up, rev. 9/15, and sequels), here starting a debate team at school with her equally-uninterested-in-sports...

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