Sarah Ellis

117 Articles

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Review of The Boy and the Elephant

The Boy and the Elephant by Freya Blackwood; illus. by the author Primary    Random House Studio/Random    40 pp. 8/24    9780593707661    $19.99 Library ed.  9780593707678    $22.99 e-book ed.  9780593707685    $10.99 In this wordless picture book, we follow a young boy who seems ignored at home and lonely at school as he...

Review of Puppet

Puppet by David Almond; illus. by Lizzy Stewart Intermediate    Candlewick    240 pp. 9/24    9781536239171    $18.99 e-book ed.  9781536239966    $18.99 In this fable/fantasy, Almond (Brand New Boy, rev. 5/22) revisits his signature theme of what it means to be human. Silvester, an elderly puppet-maker and performer, retires, giving his puppets to...

Review of Boy Here, Boy There

Boy Here, Boy There by Chuck Groenink; illus. by the authorPrimary    Tundra    56 pp.10/24    9781774881064    $18.99e-book ed.  9781774881071    $10.99In luminous paintings and a spare, telegraphic text, Groenink tells the story of a brief encounter between a Neanderthal boy and a child of a different human species, perhaps Homo sapiens. Snub-nosed...

Review of An Adventure for Lia and Lion

An Adventure for Lia and Lion by Al Rodin; illus. by the authorPreschool, Primary    Knopf    32 pp.10/24    9780593903322    $18.99“Just beyond the back fence, in a corner of the meadow…” Such is the classic territory that Lia, a diminutive, pointy-nosed preschooler equipped with a butterfly net, explores in her search for...

Review of The Mythmakers: The Remarkable Fellowship of C. S. Lewis & J. R. R. Tolkien

The Mythmakers: The Remarkable Fellowship of C. S. Lewis & J. R. R. Tolkien by John Hendrix; illus. by the authorHigh School    Abrams Fanfare    224 pp.9/24    9781419746345    $24.99e-book ed.  9781683359630    $22.49In this ambitious tandem biography of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien, we are presented with two approaches...

Review of When Wishes Were Horses

When Wishes Were Horses by Cynthia VoigtIntermediate    Greenwillow    224 pp.8/24    9780062996923    $18.99e-book ed.  9780062996947    $9.99Magic-wish stories, in folklore and fiction, are perfect vehicles for exploring unintended consequences. Voigt takes full advantage of this narrative device in a compilation of, essentially, four novellas featuring middle-grade children who are each given a...

Review of The Hotel Balzaar

The Hotel Balzaar [Norendy Tales]by Kate DiCamillo; illus. by Júlia SardàIntermediate    Candlewick    160 pp.10/24    9781536223316    $17.99e-book ed.  9781536240122    $17.99In this second volume in DiCamillo’s projected trio of novellas (beginning with The Puppets of Spelhorst, rev. 9/23), Marta lives in the attic of a grand hotel where her mother works as...

Review of Stella & Marigold

Stella & Marigold by Annie Barrows; illus. by Sophie BlackallPrimary, Intermediate    Chronicle    108 pp.10/24    9781797219707    $15.99Stella and Marigold, ages seven and four, are a force to be reckoned with. In eight tightly constructed, linked short stories, we follow the sisters through a domestic plumbing disaster, a visit to the zoo,...

Review of The Swifts: A Gallery of Rogues

The Swifts: A Gallery of Rogues by Beth Lincoln; illus. by Claire PowellIntermediate    Dutton    384 pp.8/24    9780593533260    $17.99e-book ed.  9780593533277    $10.99Young detective Shenanigan Swift is at it again. In this sequel to The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels (rev. 1/23), a robbery of a painting at the family home leads...

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