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17 Results for: Richard Peck

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A Note from Me (Apr 30, 2021)

Dear friends: OMG did you hear about Kamala Harris making the government buy copies of her children’s book Superheroes Are Everywhere to put into the hands of every young terrorist at the border? April fool! We didn’t review the book, but SLJ gave it a so-so review if you’re thinking...

My Other Richard

Roger, RichardWhen Richard Peck's memorial service--at Lincoln Center, no less--opened last Friday morning with the Pearl Fishers duet, I thought I was going to be a goner, but I managed to hold on, in no small way helped by the care with which Richard himself had planned the program--not from Beyond...

Richard Peck (1934-2018)

We were very saddened to hear from Roger about the death of Richard Peck late last night. Winner of the Newbery Medal (in 2001 for A Year Down Yonder), the Margaret A. Edwards Award "for significant and lasting contribution to young adult literature," the Scott O'Dell Award, a Boston Globe-Horn Book...

The Best Man: Richard Peck's 2017 BGHB Fiction & Poetry Honor Speech

I waited eighty years to write The Best Man and began it on that June day in 2014 when same-sex marriage legislation was implemented in my home state of Illinois. But have the youngest readers heard? There will be no word of it on the standardized test or in the...

Richard Peck Talks with Roger (Video Edition)

Talks with Roger is a sponsored supplement to our free monthly e-newsletter, Notes from the Horn Book. To receive Notes, sign up here.Sponsored by Photo: Sonya SonesThe Best Man, Richard Peck's newest novel, will be published by Dial Books for Young Readers in September. It was wonderful to have the...

Richard Peck Talks with Roger | additional videos

Sponsored byTalks with Roger is a sponsored supplement to our free monthly e-newsletter, Notes from the Horn Book. To receive Notes, sign up here.This is The Horn Book's inaugural video edition of Talks with Roger, and we couldn't have asked for a better subject than Richard Peck. We've included some...


While fact-checking this Wednesday's Richard Peck Talks with Roger interview on The Best Man, I had a moment of déjà vu.Navy pinstripe suit + red Chucks? Either protagonist Archer is a big Doctor Who fan,or cover artist Michael Arnold is. (Good choice, by the way: Ten is my favorite Doctor,...

Richard Peck Talks with Roger teaser


Hbook Podcast 1.19 - Young Adult (ish)

Podcast the nineteenth in which Siân and Roger talk about The Crucible, Richard Peck, and young adult literature.Books we talk aboutCynthia Voigt, OrfeArthur Miller, The CrucibleBy Richard Peck: Are You in the House Alone, Blossom Culp series, Father Figure, Remembering the Good Times, Dreamland Lake, A Year Down Yonder (Newbery Award...

Review of The Best Man

The Best Manby Richard PeckIntermediate, Middle School     Dial     232 pp.9/16     978-0-8037-3839-3     $16.99     ge-book ed. 978-0-698-18973-7     $10.99Rise and toast The Best Man, Peck’s story about Archer Magill, a boy growing from a raw dollop of kindergarten id into a functional middle-school kid, a budding citizen of the world. As a participant...

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