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8 Results for: bghb24

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BGHB @ ALA 2024

One of the best parts of this year's ALA Annual conference in San Diego was handing out Boston Globe–Horn Book Award stickers with 2023–2024 committee member Rodney Fierce -- and texting about it afterward with Katrina Hedeen Eftekhari and chair Cathie Mercier. See the slide show below; and read more about this year's...

From the Editor - June 2024

I know I said May was my favorite month, but hello June! Earlier this week The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art announced its 2024 Carle Honors Honorees — and, thrillingly, the Horn Book is among them, as MENTOR. Read the press release here; and, yes, we’re still pinching...

Presenting the 2024 Boston Globe–Horn Book Award winners

On Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 12 pm EDT, Horn Book Editor in Chief Elissa Gershowitz announced the 2024 Boston Globe–Horn Book Award winners. If you want to relive the excitement, you can watch the archived video here:     2024 BOSTON GLOBE–HORN BOOK AWARD WINNERS ANNOUNCED Prestigious Program Honors...

Reviews of the 2024 Boston Globe–Horn Book Picture Book Award Winner and Honor Books

Picture Book Winner Do You Remember? by Sydney Smith; illus. by the author Preschool, Primary    Porter/Holiday    40 pp. 10/23    9780823442621    $18.99 e-book ed.  9780823450237    $11.99 A mother and child lie in bed, sharing memories in the dark. Changes in font color and placement guide readers in knowing who is speaking...

Reviews of the 2024 Boston Globe–Horn Book Fiction Award Winner and Honor Books

Fiction Winner Remember Us by Jacqueline Woodson Middle School    Paulsen/Penguin    192 pp. 10/23    9780399545467    $18.99 e-book ed.  9780399545481    $10.99 Sage Durham, a basketball-obsessed Black twelve-year-old, is looking forward to a summer of pick-up games with the boys (she’s always the only girl on the court) in her close-knit 1970s Brooklyn...

Reviews of the 2024 Boston Globe–Horn Book Nonfiction and Poetry Award Winners and Honor Book

Nonfiction and Poetry Winners Nonfiction Winner The Mona Lisa Vanishes: A Legendary Painter, a Shocking Heist, and the Birth of a Global Celebrity by Nicholas Day; illus. by Brett Helquist Intermediate, Middle School    Random House Studio/Random    288 pp. 9/23    9780593643846    $19.99 Library ed.  9780593643853    $22.99 e-book ed.  9780593643860    $11.99 The...

Review of the 2024 Boston Globe–Horn Book Special Citation

Special Citation The New Brownies’ Book: A Love Letter to Black Families by Karida L. Brown and Charly Palmer Chronicle    208 pp. 10/23    9781797216829    $40.00 This inspiring and impressive volume is a tribute to the original Brownies’ Book: A Monthly Magazine for Children of the Sun (an offshoot of W. E....

Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards

Book Awards   All Boston Globe–Horn Book Awards ALA Youth Media Awards Caldecott CSK Belpré Geisel Legacy Printz Sibert Additional ALA Awards       Additional Awards              2024 BOSTON GLOBE–HORN BOOK AWARDS ANNOUNCEMENT: Presenting the 2024 Boston Globe–Horn Book Award winners    ...

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