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Vehicles are a staple of picture books, and Sylvie Kantorovitz’s new early-reader comic A New Car for Pickle (Holiday, 5–8 years), capitalizes on that favorite topic for readers who are speeding toward independence — and with plenty of humor and whimsical panel illustrations, it’s perfect for summer reading. See Kantorovitz’s...
In Stories of the Islands (Holiday, 8–12 years), Clar Angkasa retells three Indonesian folktales in a gorgeous graphic format, reframing the tales in ways that empower their female protagonists. 1. Were folktales a big part of your experience growing up? If so, who would share them with you? Clar Angkasa:...
In Ghost Book (Holt, 8–12 years), July Chen can communicate with the wandering soul of William Xiao, a boy who is in a coma. This middle-grade graphic novel takes them on an adventure through the Hungry Ghost Festival, with high emotional stakes but plenty of fun to be had along...
Nine kids. One motor home and a pick-up truck. In Mexikid: A Graphic Memoir (Dial, 10–14 years), Pedro Martín recalls his family’s 1977 road trip to pick up his abuelito from Jalisco, Mexico. 1. You seamlessly incorporate a few artistic styles. How did you decide which would best capture a mood...
Scout, the protagonist of Maxwell Eaton’s new graphic-novel series Survival Scout, may be fictional, but when she gets lost on a hike (and her adult brother gets chased away by a bear) in series debut Lost in the Mountains (Roaring Brook, 7–10 years), the wilderness safety advice she offers is real. ...
New Kid fans rejoice! The third book in author/illustrator Jerry Craft’s wildly popular, bestselling, and highly decorated (by the Newbery Medal and Coretta Scott King Author Award, for example) graphic novel series is here; although its title is School Trip (HarperAlley/Quill Tree/HarperCollins, 9–13 years), an end-of-middle-school trip to Paris(!) feels...
I’m fond of reminding people that Greek mythology isn’t a compendium of dead narratives about long-dead people and distant places, pulled from a dusty old book or scroll. What we now call Greek mythology is what remains of a past culture’s most sacred beliefs — a collection of living stories,...
Back-to-school can mean learning to read — and the following comic-format early readers for those just starting out can help build confidence and reading enjoyment. See also our “New for New Readers” column in the Horn Book Magazine, our Summer Reading Beginning Readers and Primary Grades list, and many more...
Comics do belong at school — and many of them, including the following graphic novels and graphic memoirs for middle graders and middle schoolers, even take place there. See also Guide/Reviews Database subject: Graphic novels; “Middle-Grade Graphic Novels Make Good”; and the Graphic Novels tag at Other Boys by...