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It was an especially busy, unusually in-person end of 2024 for the Horn Book. Following appreciative receipt of the Mentor Award at the Carle Honors Benefit Gala in NYC, we spent time at the sixteenth annual Boston Book Festival. A road trip to Western Massachusetts led to the R. Michelson...
Exactly when is it “all calm,” amidst a soon-to-be bustling fall and winter holiday season and a fraught and consequential national election? For me, for a moment, there’s great calm in looking at this issue’s peaceful cover art, by Kerilynn Wilson, from One Foggy Christmas Eve. During this time of...
For this centennial-year entry, with its mini-theme of middle grade, the Horn Book editors put our heads together to brainstorm cover art. We came up with a few ideas, in conjunction with our designers, and even mocked them up. And then came Shoshana Flax’s suggestion of Charlotte and friends —...
The July/August issue of the Magazine is always tricky, logistically, as it goes to press early and then sits and waits for its close-up on the morning after the Newbery-Caldecott-Legacy Awards Banquet at ALA Annual. By the time you’re reading this, hopefully you will have joined us at booth 1638...
Soon after his (semi)-retirement, Roger Sutton met me on the steps of Simmons University, where our offices were located, to hand off a chair. Not just any chair: Bertha’s chair, which had belonged to the Horn Book’s founder, Bertha Mahony Miller. It sat in Roger’s office, too rickety for people...
This is like no issue of the Horn Book you’ve ever seen. Just look at that cover! The last time we featured photography on the cover was May/June 2016, for our “Collaborations” special issue. Here our centennial mini-theme is “Poetry & Folklore,” with collaborations, serendipitously, running all the way through....
At long last: welcome to the very first issue of our second century! The Horn Book Magazine began publication in 1924 (in October, but who’s counting?) as an offshoot of The Bookshop for Boys and Girls in Boston, one of the first children’s bookstores in the country. No one can...
“Twas the eve of our hundredth / and all through these pages / we’ve been Blowing the Horn / for Fine Books for All Ages!” Shoshana Flax’s parodies are far superior (see Holiday High Notes on page 10; and her Parodies for Charities side-gig). But it’s hard for any of...
A few things have changed for the Horn Book since our last issue when Martha V. Parravano, “Keeper of the Horn Book Flame” and the one-and-only recipient of our MVP Award, announced her (semi)retirement; read, re-read, and have a good cry over her July/August editorial, “What a Gift That Is.”...
Greetings, fellow inhabitants of the world of children’s literature! And welcome to our annual special issue covering the ALA Awards — the umpteenth one I’ve helped shepherd through, and my last. Here you’ll find the usual lineup of acceptance speeches, profiles of award winners, and our own analysis of the...