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13 Results for: james e. ransome

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They Call Me Teach

Teach learns to read alongside his master’s son and transfers this knowledge through forbidden tutorials to enslaved men, women, and children. Lesa Cline-Ransome’s free verse narrative in Teach’s hushed voice opens on Monday and closes with lifted voices at Sunday School. As the congregation reads the biblical lines “Let My...

Review of They Call Me Teach: Lessons in Freedom

They Call Me Teach: Lessons in Freedom by Lesa Cline-Ransome; illus. by James E. Ransome Primary, Intermediate    Candlewick    40 pp. 9/24    9780763681555    $18.99 This poetic picture book tells the inspiring tale of a young enslaved man, “a compilation of many of the real-life stories of the people who resisted, fought,...

Blowing the Horn: Reaching for the Stars

Illustration (c) 2024 by James E. Ransome. From the May/June 2024 special issue of The Horn Book Magazine: Our Centennial. For more Horn Book centennial coverage, click here. Find more in the "Blowing the Horn" series here. Single copies of this special issue are available for $15.00 including postage and...

Review of Fighting with Love: The Legacy of John Lewis

Fighting with Love: The Legacy of John Lewis by Lesa Cline-Ransome; illus. by James E. RansomePrimary    Wiseman/Simon    48 pp.1/24    9781534496620    $18.99e-book ed.  9781534496637    $10.99The prolific author-illustrator couple (most recently The Story of the Saxophone, rev. 1/23) teams up again to offer this inspiring picture-book biography of the late human rights...

2022: The Year in Words and Pictures

This year’s ALA Youth Media Award winners represent a range of experiences, expertise, interests, and topics. There are previous, beloved winners and there are newcomers to the stage — notably Doug Salati for the Caldecott Medal and Amina Luqman-Dawson for both the Newbery and Coretta Scott King Author awards. Three...

Profile of 2023 Children's Literature Legacy Award winner James E. Ransome

Jonda C. McNair and James E. Ransome in 2001. Photo: James J. Bishop. One of the highlights of my time as a doctoral student was serving as a hostess for esteemed authors and illustrators when they came to town to participate in the now-defunct The Ohio State University Children’s Literature...

2023 Children's Literature Legacy Award Acceptance: Belonging by James E. Ransome

Photo: John Halpern. Thank you, American Library Association, for honoring my work with this incredible award. But, just to be clear, the Children’s Literature Legacy Award is for my previous body of work — correct? Because I’m not done yet! I have plans, ideas, and contracts, so, God willing, I...

Review of The Story of the Saxophone

The Story of the Saxophone by Lesa Cline-Ransome; illus. by James E. RansomePrimary    Holiday    40 pp.2/23    9780823437023    $19.99e-book ed.  9780823442225    $10.99Perhaps no instrument is more associated with jazz than the saxophone. And no city more tied to both than New Orleans. But the history of the saxophone (originally saxophon), engagingly...

Review of On Her Wings: The Story of Toni Morrison

On Her Wings: The Story of Toni Morrison by Jerdine Nolen; illus. by James E. Ransome Primary, Intermediate    Wiseman/Simon    48 pp.    g 9/22    978-1-5344-7852-7    $18.99 e-book ed.  978-1-5344-7853-4    $10.99 This picture-book biography of writer Toni Morrison (born Chloe Ardelia Wofford), by the team behind Freedom Bird (rev. 1/20), pays homage...

Review of Northbound: A Train Ride Out of Segregation

Northbound: A Train Ride Out of Segregation by Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein; illus. by James E. Ransome Primary    Candlewick    40 pp.    g 10/20    978-0-7636-9650-4    $17.99 In this picture book set in the 1960s (and inspired by the author’s childhood memories), Michael and his granddaddy are fascinated by the...

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