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21 Results for: mac barnett

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Review of Santa’s First Christmas

Santa’s First Christmas by Mac Barnett; illus. by Sydney SmithPrimary    Viking    40 pp.10/24    9780593524978    $18.99e-book ed.  9780593524985    $10.99“Santa doesn’t do anything special” for Christmas?! The elves are embarrassed not to have thought about it before: after a night of delivering toys, Santa just sleeps in an extra half hour and...

Review of The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom

The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom by Mac Barnett; illus. by Shawn HarrisPrimary, Intermediate    Tegen/HarperCollins    272 pp.10/23    9780063084117    $16.99e-book ed.  9780063084131    $11.99Following The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza (rev. 7/22) is an elaborate and emotionally sincere graphic novel that fortunately retains much of the oddball...

Review of How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney?

How Does Santa Go Down the Chimney? by Mac Barnett; illus. by Jon KlassenPreschool, Primary    Candlewick    32 pp.9/23    9781536223767    $18.99e-book ed.  9781536234442    $18.99Barnett and Klassen (The Three Billy Goats Gruff, rev. 1/23, and others) reunite to address the title’s age-old Christmas question. Barnett’s text expertly speculates as a child might,...

Review of The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The Three Billy Goats Gruff retold by Mac Barnett; illus. by Jon Klassen Preschool, Primary    Orchard/Scholastic    48 pp. 10/22    9781338673845    $18.99 Frequent collaborators Barnett and Klassen serve up a delectable rendition of the oft-retold folktale. The bare-bones narrative “clip clops” along with abundant humor and plenty of verbal delights, repetition,...

Review of Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions by Mac Barnett; illus. by Christian RobinsonPreschool    Candlewick    40 pp.3/23    9781536215137    $17.99This conversation-starting picture book presents a series of questions and invites children to supply the answers. The first spread asks viewers to count the number of animals pictured, with Robinson depicting a creature-filled tree and a bear...

Liza Baker Talks with Roger (Video Edition)

Talks with Roger is a sponsored supplement to our free monthly e-newsletter, Notes from the Horn Book. To receive Notes, sign up here. Sponsored by   For this special video edition of Talks with Roger, I’m joined by Elissa Gershowitz, the newly named editor in chief of the Horn Book, Inc. (yay!), and Liza Baker,...

Review of The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza

The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza by Mac Barnett; illus. by Shawn HarrisPrimary, Intermediate    Tegen/HarperCollins    320 pp.   g5/22    978-0-06-308408-7    $15.99e-book ed.  978-0-06-308410-0    $10.99What began as an online storytelling experiment between Barnett and Harris during COVID-19 has been adapted into a graphic novel. This wacky space opera follows a...

Review of The Great Zapfino

The Great Zapfino by Mac Barnett; illus. by Marla FrazeePreschool, Primary    Beach Lane/Simon    32 pp.    g4/22    978-1-5344-1154-8    $17.99e-book ed.  978-1-5344-1155-5    $10.99The stage is set, the circus curtains part, and out walks the short, bald, and unassuming Great Zapfino, who will leap from death-defying heights onto a tiny trampoline. Barnett plays...

Review of John’s Turn

John’s Turn by Mac Barnett; illus. by Kate BerubePrimary    Candlewick    32 pp.    g3/22    978-1-5362-0395-0    $17.99e-book ed.  978-1-5362-2676-8    $17.99Barnett and Berube offer a sensitive story about a boy grappling with stage fright and insecurity. The main character, John, walks into the narrative on the front endpaper carrying a duffle bag, his...

Mac Barnett and Greg Pizzoli Talk with Roger

Talks with Roger is a sponsored supplement to our free monthly e-newsletter, Notes from the Horn Book. To receive Notes, sign up here. Sponsored by Mac Barnett and Greg Pizzoli hope you are happy to make the acquaintance of their new easy-reader antihero Jack and his friends/foils Rex (a dog) and the Lady (a lady)....

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