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6 Results for: rudine sims bishop

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Mirrors, Windows, Sliding Glass Doors; Prisms…Curtains…Starting Blocks…and More!

The first evening I walked into room 212 of Ramseyer Hall at The Ohio State University and took a seat near the front, so I could see and hear everything Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop shared, my life as a librarian, writer, and speaker was changed forever. You see, my family...

Let Our Rejoicing Rise: Celebrating Fifty Years of the Coretta Scott King Book Awards

The Coretta Scott King Book Awards originated as a response to the failure of the children’s literature establishment to acknowledge the talents and contributions of African American writers and illustrators. As late as 1969, forty-seven years after the first Newbery Medal had been awarded, and thirty-one years after the awarding...

Editorial: Behold the Gold!

Welcome to The Horn Book’s celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Coretta Scott King Book Awards. As you may know, we publish a special themed issue annually, and when Andrea Davis Pinkney called to ask what The Horn Book might be able to do to commemorate the CSK’s fiftieth...

“To Be Great, Heroic or Beautiful”: The Enduring Legacy of The Brownies’ Book

Heretofore the education of the Negro child has been too much in terms of white people. All through school life his text-books contain much about white people and little or nothing about his own race. All the pictures he sees are of white people. Most of the books he reads...

Picture books | class #1, fall 2017

For our first class on September 6, we will be reading two picture books and three articles.Where the Wild Things Are is a classic in the US now, but when it was first published in 1963, it was controversial. If you knew this book as a child, what did you...

2017 CSK–Virginia Hamilton Award Acceptance by Rudine Sims Bishop

Good morning.Thank you to the Coretta Scott King–Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement Jury. This award is very special to me. I thank you for choosing me and thereby placing me alongside honorees such as star librarians Dr. Henrietta Smith and Deborah D. Taylor.It is an extraordinary constellation to be...

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