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22 Results for: susan cooper

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Blowing the Horn: Postscript

Susan Cooper. Photo: Tsar Fedorsky. I’ve been here before. Long ago, in October 1974, when I was thirty-eight years old, the handsome fiftieth-anniversary issue of The Horn Book Magazine ended with a little two-page tribute from me. It was titled “A Love Letter to the Horn Book.” And it did...

After the Call: Love Letters

Susan Cooper at Pembroke College, Oxford, to give the Tolkien Lecture in 2017. Photo courtesy of Pembroke College Tolkien Lecture. The Newbery Award had no effect on my work, I believe — apart from making it temporarily harder, due to the mean little voice in one’s head that sneers: Okay,...

Five Questions for Susan Cooper

"The Shortest Day, " Susan Cooper's 1974 poem honoring the winter solstice, is performed annually at The Christmas Revels. Now, Carson Ellis's gouache illustrations grace a picture-book version, The Shortest Day (Candlewick, 5–8 years), which imagines people "down the centuries of the snow-white world" as they greet the season. See...

Review of The Shortest Day

The Shortest Day by Susan Cooper; illus. by Carson Ellis Primary    Candlewick    32 pp.    g 10/19    978-0-7636-8698-7    $17.99 “So the shortest day came, and the year died, / And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world / Came people singing, dancing / To drive the dark away.” Thus begins...

Review of The Boggart Fights Back

The Boggart Fights Backby Susan CooperIntermediate    McElderry    209 pp.    g2/18    978-1-5344-0629-2    $16.99e-book ed.  978-1-5344-0631-5    $10.99It’s been over twenty years since the publication of The Boggart (rev. 5/93) and The Boggart and the Monster (rev. 5/97), but this new adventure stands on its own and will surely send readers looking for...

British (and Aussie and Kiwi!) invasion

Our fandom knows no borders! Some of our best-loved fantasy authors come to us from across the pond (or, in Garth Nix's and Margaret Mahy's cases, across the equator). We've highlighted a few essential articles by/about each author, as well some adoring blog posts; click on an author's name to...

The World That Changes

Susan Cooper delivers the Horn Book at Simmons keynote. Photo: Elissa Gershowitz.The very day that Roger asked me to give this talk, my grand-daughter stopped by my house after a science lesson. She was full of information. “Nana,” she said, “did you know that after a caterpillar has gone into...

Siân Has the Best Weekend Ever!

As many of you know, the Horn Book at Simmons Colloquium: "Transformations" was this past Saturday. It was interesting, engaging, educational, and fun (it was also exhausting for those of us working it, and even more so for the amazing Katrina Hedeen, who planned the whole durn thing).But what you...

Transformers: But Myth Has No Prototype

Like many fantasy writers born and raised in Britain, I am haunted by Celtic and Arthurian myth; it goes with the territory. Even before I could read, I’d been shown the footprint of King Arthur’s horse up on the mountain above my grandmother’s village in Wales, and the mist that...

So much for your Newbery Medal, etc.

from Publishers Weekly:"Susan Cooper returns with Ghost Hawk in August; 'it's the best thing she's written since The Dark Is Rising,' said S&S BFYR publisher Justin Chanda."...

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