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46 Results for: zena sutherland lecture

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An Excerpt from "I Am Myrtilla's Daughter" — The Zena Sutherland Lecture

Like so many authors, I have had to deal with book banners, though on a relatively small scale. Last year my picture book A Place Inside of Me: A Poem to Heal the Heart was challenged in Virginia by a parent whose child thought it was about skateboards. Spoiler alert...

Register for Zetta Elliott's 2023 Zena Sutherland Lecture

Zoom registration is open for the 2023 Zena Sutherland Lecture, presented by Zetta Elliott on May 5, 2023:...

A Journey of Transformation — The Zena Sutherland Lecture

"I like to say things with my voice, and with my jaranita." A screenshot from Morales's presentation of the Zena Sutherland Lecture. Image courtesy of Yuyi Morales. My voice, like the voice of most everybody, is made of many different ways of saying things. I like to say things with...

Register for Yuyi Morales's 2022 Zena Sutherland Lecture

Zoom registration is open for the 2022 Zena Sutherland Lecture, presented by Yuyi Morales on May 6, 2022:...

My Father's Final Lesson - The Zena Sutherland Lecture

The idea of giving a lecture is kind of funky for me. So I will do what I always do, which is just tell you a story. Anyone who knows me knows I love my mama. But when I was thinking about what I wanted to talk about today, I...

A Note from Me (May 14, 2021)

Dear friends: Jason Reynolds’s Zena Sutherland Lecture was a smashing success last Friday. As far as I could see, he spoke without a text or even notes, moving brilliantly and seamlessly from stories about his recently deceased father to just what those stories meant in terms of bringing him and...

A Note from Me (May 7, 2021)

Dear friends: Normally on this first Friday in May I’d be winging my way to Chicago for the Zena Sutherland Lecture tonight, but this year I’ll be watching from home along with everybody else as ZS lecturer Jason Reynolds does his inimitable thing. I’m looking forward to it — I...

The 2021 Zena Sutherland Lecture

The 2021 Zena Sutherland Lecture will take place on Friday, May 7th at 7:30PM, and our Lecturer this year is Jason Reynolds. You can all attend because it is via Zoom! Register (free) at See you there!      ...

Why Do Comics Matter? — The Zena Sutherland Lecture

Why do comics matter? At the risk of sounding completely self-absorbed, I’m going to answer this question by talking about me.  I am an Asian American cartoonist. I’m going to tell you how I became these two things: an Asian American and a cartoonist. Then I’m going to tell you...

Writer vs. Author — The Zena Sutherland Lecture by Linda Sue Park

Photo by Sonya Sones“Writer vs. Author.” This dichotomy is one I deal with on a daily basis, sometimes on a minute-by-minute basis. I grew up in the age before social networking, so typing out words on a keyboard has long been a private activity for me. Even if the finished...

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