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Horn Book Podcast

  In 2007 and 2008 the Horn Book had a (more-or-less) monthly podcast. The Horn Book’s new podcast aired in 2016 and 2017, hosted by Roger Sutton (editor in chief at the time) and Siân Gaetano (then Guide editorial assistant). We are happy to make these episodes available once again here. Our podcasts featured...

Book Caravan Publicity

All the major newsreel companies ran features on Horn Book Magazine founder Bertha Mahony Miller's bookmobile—dubbed the Book Caravan. Below are transcriptions of those newspaper articles.      Book Caravan Is Local Girl’s Idea   Miss Bertha Mahony, the Gloucester girl who is the originator and director of the Bookshop for...

Virtual History Exhibit Scrapbook

  MENU People Clippings Bookshop Art Book Caravan Miscellaneous   Click on any image to view a larger-sized version.           Elinor Whitney Field              Bertha Mahony Miller Horn Book Magazine founders Read about Bertha Mahony Miller and Elinor Whitney Field Ann Carroll...

Horn Book Magazine articles by decade

Here is a selection of articles from our archives by decade up through the 1990s. Find articles from 2000–present via searches on hbook.com....

Horn Book Centennial

Welcome to the Horn Book's Centennial landing page, where you'll find articles, interviews, history, events, videos, trivia, contests, and more related to 100 years of The Horn Book Magazine. We've been blowing the horn for fine books for young people since 1924 (learn more about Our Story), and this year...

Preview November/December 2023 Horn Book Magazine

Cover art by Erin K. Robinson from The Magical Snowflake, written by Bernette Ford. The Zena Sutherland Lecture: An excerpt from Zetta Elliott’s “‘I Am Myrtilla’s Daughter’: Weaving Scotland, Slavery, and Siths into Historical Fantasies. The Writer’s Page: Laurel Snyder on seeking her own Jewish life in books. New for...

Preview September/October 2023 Horn Book Magazine

Cover art by Renée Kurilla from It's Fall! The Writer’s Page: Marisabina Russo’s journey from picture books to a graphic memoir. Field Notes: Amanda Lawrence on hosting a middle-grade graphic novel book club. A poem by Lynne Rae Perkins. Horn BOO!: a roundup of Halloween and seasonal books....

Preview July/August 2023 Horn Book Magazine: Special Issue: ALA Awards

Special Issue: ALA Awards Original cover art by 2023 Caldecott Medal winner Doug Salati. Presentation of “The MVP Award” to Martha V. Parravano as she retires from her position as book review editor. “The Year in Words and Pictures.” The Horn Book editors discuss the children’s book landscape in yet...

Preview May/June 2023 Horn Book Magazine: Special Issue: Diverse Books: Past, Present, and Future

Special Issue: Diverse Books: Past, Present, and Future Original cover art by Bryan Collier. The We Need Diverse Books Team looks back on a decade in books. “Numbers are just part of the story”: Merri V. Lindgren, Megan Schliesman, Tessa Michaelson Schmidt, and Madeline Tyner on the Cooperative Children’s Book...
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