Butterfly in the Sky Screening at the Coolidge Corner Theatre

On June 2, as part of their Panorama series, the (newly renovated — door's in the back!) Coolidge Corner Theatre in Brookline, MA, hosted a screening and discussion of Butterfly in the Sky, the recent documentary about (everyone's favorite) Reading Rainbow: "Take a look / it's in a book..."

The movie presented extensive interviews with the show's beloved host LeVar Burton, who had been hired fresh off his star-making turn in Roots (the producers: "He'll never say yes; he's too famous"). Also featured were talks with the show's creators, producers, its music director, some of the now-grown-up Reading Rainbow kid-reviewers, guest Whoopi Goldberg, and then–National Ambassador for Young People's Literature Jason Reynolds ("As kids, we knew LeVar loved us").

Following the movie was a panel discussion with (left to right) Dorothea Gillim, creative director of GBH, and our longtime pal and contributor Julie Roach, moderated by Alex Schaffner, community engagement coordinator at Brookline Booksmith (and former Horn Book intern). It was a great conversation — excellent questions, thoughtful answers — and a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon (sitting next to Pam Yosca from Wondermore). The movie is now available to watch on Netflix, but I was happy to have the communal experience of seeing it on the big screen — thanks to Billy Thegenus at the Coolidge for giving Horn Bookers the heads-up!

Elissa Gershowitz

Elissa Gershowitz is editor in chief of The Horn Book, Inc. She holds an MA from the Center for the Study of Children's Literature at Simmons University and a BA from Oberlin College.

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Pam Yosca

It was a fun event in between baseball games, and I can't get the theme song (and Jimmy Fallon's version) out of my head!

Posted : Jun 07, 2024 09:36



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