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On Cynthia Voigt's "Have a Carrot" (from March/April 1997)

brown_runawaybunny“High on the list of favorite read-aloud books in the house where I was the Mommy is The Runaway Bunny.”

Newbery Medalist (for Dicey's Song) Cynthia Voigt reflects on the classic picture book by Margaret Wise Brown in her article, "Have a Carrot," published in 1997 in the Horn Book Magazine Special Issue: “Family Reading.” It’s a short piece, but Voigt still manages to be funny, touching, and insightful about reading this book with her children.

Generations of preschoolers have loved this book, and many grownups have, too. But are there any grownups among us who haven't wondered about Mother Bunny, “so reassuringly always present, or was it smotheringly always present? or merely inescapably?”

With apologies to Mrs. Voigt (and Ms. Brown) for dragging this post into the shadows...I'll let this Liam Neeson meme have the last word:

Kitty Flynn

Kitty Flynn is reviews editor for The Horn Book, Inc.

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Kitty Flynn

You mean this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGuPKSBpyBY It's genius.

Posted : Sep 17, 2016 07:58

Elissa Gershowitz

Who has seen the Liam Neesons skit on Key & Peele? Classic :)

Posted : Sep 16, 2016 07:56



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