Review of The Witch, the Sword, and the Cursed Knights

The Witch, the Sword, and the Cursed Knights The Witch, the Sword, and the Cursed Knights
by Alexandria Rogers
Intermediate, Middle School    Little, Brown    304 pp.    g
2/22    978-0-7595-5458-0    $16.99
e-book ed.  978-0-7595-5457-3    $9.99

In this fantasy novel set “years after the regretful demise of Camelot,” twelve-year-old Ellie is a witch but dreams of becoming a fairy godmother. All her plans go out the window, however, when she is enlisted to become one of the Knights of the Round Table. At the Montagne des ­Chévaliers she undergoes a series of dangerous tests that will, perhaps, lead her to a noble destiny protecting the Twenty-Five and a Half Realms. Caedmon has also been drafted, though he is far more surprised than Ellie because, until recently, he had no idea magic even existed. Caedmon is from the only nonmagical realm (from Wisconsin, to be exact). Depressed and reeling from his best friend’s death, Caedmon learns that unless he becomes a knight and re-forges the broken pieces of ­Excalibur, his family will be in grave peril. Ellie, Caedmon, and their friends must overcome their fears and doubts as they proceed through knighthood trials and battle unforetold dangers, learning to trust one another along the way. Debut author Rogers combines elements from beloved fairy tales and legends, blending recognizable patterns with humor and excitement to produce something charming and new. Ellie’s burgeoning witchcraft, which weighs heavily on her mind, lends the story some philosophical depth, and Caedmon’s depression is portrayed with skill and sympathy. Readers will hope for a sequel, and there seem to be plenty more adventures awaiting our intrepid protagonists.

From the May/June 2022 issue of The Horn Book Magazine.

Sarah Berman

Sarah Berman is a middle school special education assistant. She attended the University of St. Andrews, where she studied literature and wrote a dissertation about violence in children's fiction. 

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