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The Writer's Page: Mapping My Path

How did I end up in the picture-book world? It was all because of Nicole Rubel, the brilliant illustrator of the Rotten Ralph books, among many others. I was a creative writing student at Emerson College, and I was still on parole after an unsuccessful attempt to smuggle a ton...

The Writer's Page: The Lovely Dance: The Alone/Together Collaboration of Picture-Book Storytelling

A picture book is a dance that begins with a solitary dancer, whose success depends on sharing the stage with future partners. In truth, it is a company of dancers: author and illustrator, editor, designer, and art director. And only together will the dance flourish. But as Patrick Swayze famously...

The Writer's Page: Walking in Their Footsteps: An Impossible Escape Research Trip

Early on the morning of August 1, 2022, I joined a group of hikers at the gates of what was once the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, and we set off on a six-day, 140-kilometer trek across southern Poland. Within a couple of hours, it became clear that I was in for...

The Writer's Page: Born in Babylon: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Duncan in third grade. Photo courtesy of Alice Faye Duncan. When I consider my thirty years writing picture books and poetry that honor Black achievement, I know that the template for this life began in 1975 while I read crisp new library books about Harriet, Rosa, and Martin. I know...

Horn Book Reminiscences: Growing Up at the Horn Book

The author, in red sweater, in the Horn Book office circa 2012. Photo: Cynthia K. Ritter from her March/April 2012 Horn Book Magazine article "When the Name of the Game Is a Children's Book." I hated school as a child. I always earned good grades, but classrooms were like hell...

The Writer's Page: Yes, And...

In improv comedy there is a hard and fast rule: whatever your scene partner asks you to do, no matter how ridiculous or outrageous, you always answer, “Yes, and…” Saying no ends the scene and cuts off all possibilities. Saying yes continues the scene and provides infinite opportunities. It’s a...

Cadenza: No Poem Today

The Horn Book is 100! Hoorah and Hooray! To celebrate I’ll poe out a poem! If I can think what to say… After my uninspiring, hum-drummish day. I woke feeling “blah,” For the sky, it was gray. And I tread the same boring path, In the same boring way. Is...

In Memoriam: The Great Ed Young

The first time I saw the great Ed Young (1931–2023), I felt awestruck by his presence. Tall, angular jaw, prominent ears that looked like they listened. He exuded calm and grace. There was often a deep chuckle ready to break out, as if, to him, life itself was wry. [Photo ©...

Horn Book Reminiscences: The Heart of the Horn Book

While it has been two years since relinquishing the Horn Book editorship, and two more since getting to work meant going to work, I dream almost every night about being back in the office. Recently, identical twins dressed like Stanley Kubrick’s came to visit me there. A few weeks ago,...
252 articles

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