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Review of The Gift of the Great Buffalo

The Gift of the Great Buffalo by Carole Lindstrom; illus. by Aly McKnightPrimary, Intermediate    Bloomsbury    40 pp.2/25    9781547606887    $18.99e-book ed.  9781547606979    $13.29Rose, her oshiimeyan (younger sister), and their parents gather with other Métis families for the biannual buffalo hunt. This time will be different both because Rose’s pa is one...

Review of When I Hear Spirituals

When I Hear Spirituals by Cheryl Willis Hudson; illus. by London LaddPrimary, Intermediate    Holiday    40 pp.1/25    9780823453801    $18.99e-book ed.  9780823462193    $11.99Hudson introduces young readers to the African American spiritual through descriptions of a young girl’s emotions and associations accompanied by relevant spiritual verses. “When I hear spirituals, / They make...

Review of Seven: A Most Remarkable Pigeon

Seven: A Most Remarkable Pigeon by Sandra Nickel; illus. by Aimée SicuroPrimary    Candlewick    40 pp.4/25    9781536235197    $17.99Typically, two nestlings are born when pigeons mate. But not this time. There’s only one egg in the clutch, producing a single squab. His parents name him Seven, a lucky name, because seven thousand...

Review of Echo

Echo by Adam Rex; illus. by the authorPrimary    Dial    48 pp.3/25    9780593699324    $19.99e-book ed.  9780593699331    $10.99Junior Junior, a young boy with blond hair and ruddy cheeks, lives on a rugged mountainside. He enjoys shouting self-affirming songs into the valley and hearing “Junior Junior is the greatest in the world!” echoed...

Review of A Pocket Full of Rocks

A Pocket Full of Rocks by Kristin Mahoney; illus. by E. B. GoodalePrimary    Knopf    40 pp.1/25    9780593428542    $18.99Library ed.  9780593428559    $21.99e-book ed.  9780593428566    $10.99Throughout the year, a child collects various objects from nature, finding comfort and creative inspiration in them. This endearing account begins in winter when the protagonist collects...

Review of Let’s Be Bees

Let’s Be Bees by Shawn Harris; illus. by the authorPreschool    Porter/Holiday    40 pp.2/25    9780823457090    $18.99e-book ed.  9780823462278    $11.99Bold, comical crayon illustrations set the tone for a boisterous game of pretend and its noisy cacophony of sounds. “Let’s be bees,” suggests the text on the opening page, while the accompanying illustration...

Review of Soy Sauce!

Soy Sauce! by Laura G. Lee; illus. by the authorPrimary     Algonquin    40 pp.1/25    9781523528387    $18.99Pungent, salty, silky soy sauce takes center stage in this playful picture book honoring the centuries-old condiment and the time and care taken to make it. Follow along while Luan, Haru, and Yoo-mi express their love...

Review of The Hole

The Hole by Lindsay Bonilla; illus. by Brizida MagroPrimary    Paulsen/Penguin    32 pp.2/25    9780593529140    $18.99e-book ed.  9780593529157    $10.99This tender, deeply empathetic story, narrated by a child grieving the loss of a sibling, offers a moving exploration of grief’s many layers. “There’s a hole in the bottom bunk where my brother, Matty,...

Review of Anything

Anything by Rebecca Stead; illus. by Gracey ZhangPrimary    Chronicle    48 pp.4/25    9781797215150    $17.99In this first picture book written by middle-grade powerhouse Stead (Newbery Medalist for When You Reach Me, rev. 7/09), the unnamed narrator’s father serves up chocolate cake to celebrate their first day in apartment 3B. “But something was...
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